
 1# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2# Copyright 2024 Sony Semiconductor Israel, Inc. All rights reserved.
 4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
15# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
18from sony_custom_layers.util.import_util import validate_installed_libraries
19from sony_custom_layers import required_libraries
22    import onnxruntime as ort
24__all__ = [
25    'multiclass_nms', 'NMSResults', 'multiclass_nms_with_indices', 'NMSWithIndicesResults', 'FasterRCNNBoxDecode',
26    'load_custom_ops'
30from sony_custom_layers.pytorch.nms import (    # noqa: E402
31    multiclass_nms, NMSResults, multiclass_nms_with_indices, NMSWithIndicesResults)
32from sony_custom_layers.pytorch.box_decode import FasterRCNNBoxDecode    # noqa: E402
35def load_custom_ops(ort_session_ops: Optional['ort.SessionOptions'] = None) -> 'ort.SessionOptions':
36    """
37    Registers the custom ops implementation for onnxruntime, and sets up the SessionOptions object for onnxruntime
38    session.
40    Args:
41        ort_session_ops: SessionOptions object to register the custom ops library on. If None, creates a new object.
43    Returns:
44        SessionOptions object with registered custom ops.
46    Example:
47        ```
48        import onnxruntime as ort
49        from sony_custom_layers.pytorch import load_custom_ops
51        so = load_custom_ops()
52        session = ort.InferenceSession(model_path, sess_options=so)
54        ```
55        You can also pass your own SessionOptions object upon which to register the custom ops
56        ```
57        load_custom_ops(ort_session_options=so)
58        ```
59    """
60    validate_installed_libraries(required_libraries['torch_ort'])
62    # trigger onnxruntime op registration
63    from .nms import nms_ort
64    from .box_decode import box_decode_ort
66    from onnxruntime_extensions import get_library_path
67    from onnxruntime import SessionOptions
68    ort_session_ops = ort_session_ops or SessionOptions()
69    ort_session_ops.register_custom_ops_library(get_library_path())
70    return ort_session_ops
def multiclass_nms( boxes, scores, score_threshold: float, iou_threshold: float, max_detections: int) -> NMSResults:
53def multiclass_nms(boxes, scores, score_threshold: float, iou_threshold: float, max_detections: int) -> NMSResults:
54    """
55    Multi-class non-maximum suppression.
56    Detections are returned in descending order of their scores.
57    The output tensors always contain a fixed number of detections, as defined by 'max_detections'.
58    If fewer detections are selected, the output tensors are zero-padded up to 'max_detections'.
60    If you also require the input indices of the selected boxes, see `multiclass_nms_with_indices`.
62    Args:
63        boxes (Tensor): Input boxes with shape [batch, n_boxes, 4], specified in corner coordinates
64                        (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). Agnostic to the x-y axes order.
65        scores (Tensor): Input scores with shape [batch, n_boxes, n_classes].
66        score_threshold (float): The score threshold. Candidates with scores below the threshold are discarded.
67        iou_threshold (float): The Intersection Over Union (IOU) threshold for boxes overlap.
68        max_detections (int): The number of detections to return.
70    Returns:
71        'NMSResults' named tuple:
72        - boxes: The selected boxes with shape [batch, max_detections, 4].
73        - scores: The corresponding scores in descending order with shape [batch, max_detections].
74        - labels: The labels for each box with shape [batch, max_detections].
75        - n_valid: The number of valid detections out of 'max_detections' with shape [batch, 1]
77    Raises:
78        ValueError: If provided with invalid arguments or input tensors with unexpected or non-matching shapes.
80    Example:
81        ```
82        from sony_custom_layers.pytorch import multiclass_nms
84        # batch size=1, 1000 boxes, 50 classes
85        boxes = torch.rand(1, 1000, 4)
86        scores = torch.rand(1, 1000, 50)
87        res = multiclass_nms(boxes,
88                             scores,
89                             score_threshold=0.1,
90                             iou_threshold=0.6,
91                             max_detections=300)
92        # res.boxes, res.scores, res.labels, res.n_valid
93        ```
94    """
95    return NMSResults(*, scores, score_threshold, iou_threshold, max_detections))

Multi-class non-maximum suppression. Detections are returned in descending order of their scores. The output tensors always contain a fixed number of detections, as defined by 'max_detections'. If fewer detections are selected, the output tensors are zero-padded up to 'max_detections'.

If you also require the input indices of the selected boxes, see multiclass_nms_with_indices.

  • boxes (Tensor): Input boxes with shape [batch, n_boxes, 4], specified in corner coordinates (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). Agnostic to the x-y axes order.
  • scores (Tensor): Input scores with shape [batch, n_boxes, n_classes].
  • score_threshold (float): The score threshold. Candidates with scores below the threshold are discarded.
  • iou_threshold (float): The Intersection Over Union (IOU) threshold for boxes overlap.
  • max_detections (int): The number of detections to return.

'NMSResults' named tuple:

  • boxes: The selected boxes with shape [batch, max_detections, 4].
  • scores: The corresponding scores in descending order with shape [batch, max_detections].
  • labels: The labels for each box with shape [batch, max_detections].
  • n_valid: The number of valid detections out of 'max_detections' with shape [batch, 1]
  • ValueError: If provided with invalid arguments or input tensors with unexpected or non-matching shapes.
from sony_custom_layers.pytorch import multiclass_nms

# batch size=1, 1000 boxes, 50 classes
boxes = torch.rand(1, 1000, 4)
scores = torch.rand(1, 1000, 50)
res = multiclass_nms(boxes,
# res.boxes, res.scores, res.labels, res.n_valid
class NMSResults(typing.NamedTuple):
31class NMSResults(NamedTuple):
32    """ Container for non-maximum suppression results """
33    boxes: Tensor
34    scores: Tensor
35    labels: Tensor
36    n_valid: Tensor
38    # Note: convenience methods below are replicated in each Results container, since NamedTuple supports neither adding
39    # new fields in derived classes nor multiple inheritance, and we want it to behave like a tuple, so no dataclasses.
40    def detach(self) -> 'NMSResults':
41        """ Detach all tensors and return a new object """
42        return self.apply(lambda t: t.detach())
44    def cpu(self) -> 'NMSResults':
45        """ Move all tensors to cpu and return a new object """
46        return self.apply(lambda t: t.cpu())
48    def apply(self, f: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]) -> 'NMSResults':
49        """ Apply any function to all tensors and return a new object """
50        return self.__class__(*[f(t) for t in self])

Container for non-maximum suppression results

NMSResults( boxes: torch.Tensor, scores: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor, n_valid: torch.Tensor)

Create new instance of NMSResults(boxes, scores, labels, n_valid)

boxes: torch.Tensor

Alias for field number 0

scores: torch.Tensor

Alias for field number 1

labels: torch.Tensor

Alias for field number 2

n_valid: torch.Tensor

Alias for field number 3

def detach(self) -> NMSResults:
40    def detach(self) -> 'NMSResults':
41        """ Detach all tensors and return a new object """
42        return self.apply(lambda t: t.detach())

Detach all tensors and return a new object

def cpu(self) -> NMSResults:
44    def cpu(self) -> 'NMSResults':
45        """ Move all tensors to cpu and return a new object """
46        return self.apply(lambda t: t.cpu())

Move all tensors to cpu and return a new object

def apply( self, f: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]) -> NMSResults:
48    def apply(self, f: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]) -> 'NMSResults':
49        """ Apply any function to all tensors and return a new object """
50        return self.__class__(*[f(t) for t in self])

Apply any function to all tensors and return a new object

def multiclass_nms_with_indices( boxes, scores, score_threshold: float, iou_threshold: float, max_detections: int) -> NMSWithIndicesResults:
53def multiclass_nms_with_indices(boxes, scores, score_threshold: float, iou_threshold: float,
54                                max_detections: int) -> NMSWithIndicesResults:
55    """
56    Multi-class non-maximum suppression with indices.
57    Detections are returned in descending order of their scores.
58    The output tensors always contain a fixed number of detections, as defined by 'max_detections'.
59    If fewer detections are selected, the output tensors are zero-padded up to 'max_detections'.
61    This operator is identical to `multiclass_nms` except that is also outputs the input indices of the selected boxes.
63    Args:
64        boxes (Tensor): Input boxes with shape [batch, n_boxes, 4], specified in corner coordinates
65                        (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). Agnostic to the x-y axes order.
66        scores (Tensor): Input scores with shape [batch, n_boxes, n_classes].
67        score_threshold (float): The score threshold. Candidates with scores below the threshold are discarded.
68        iou_threshold (float): The Intersection Over Union (IOU) threshold for boxes overlap.
69        max_detections (int): The number of detections to return.
71    Returns:
72        'NMSWithIndicesResults' named tuple:
73        - boxes: The selected boxes with shape [batch, max_detections, 4].
74        - scores: The corresponding scores in descending order with shape [batch, max_detections].
75        - labels: The labels for each box with shape [batch, max_detections].
76        - indices: Indices of the input boxes that have been selected.
77        - n_valid: The number of valid detections out of 'max_detections' with shape [batch, 1]
79    Raises:
80        ValueError: If provided with invalid arguments or input tensors with unexpected or non-matching shapes.
82    Example:
83        ```
84        from sony_custom_layers.pytorch import multiclass_nms_with_indices
86        # batch size=1, 1000 boxes, 50 classes
87        boxes = torch.rand(1, 1000, 4)
88        scores = torch.rand(1, 1000, 50)
89        res = multiclass_nms_with_indices(boxes,
90                                          scores,
91                                          score_threshold=0.1,
92                                          iou_threshold=0.6,
93                                          max_detections=300)
94        # res.boxes, res.scores, res.labels, res.indices, res.n_valid
95        ```
96    """
97    return NMSWithIndicesResults(
98        *, scores, score_threshold, iou_threshold, max_detections))

Multi-class non-maximum suppression with indices. Detections are returned in descending order of their scores. The output tensors always contain a fixed number of detections, as defined by 'max_detections'. If fewer detections are selected, the output tensors are zero-padded up to 'max_detections'.

This operator is identical to multiclass_nms except that is also outputs the input indices of the selected boxes.

  • boxes (Tensor): Input boxes with shape [batch, n_boxes, 4], specified in corner coordinates (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). Agnostic to the x-y axes order.
  • scores (Tensor): Input scores with shape [batch, n_boxes, n_classes].
  • score_threshold (float): The score threshold. Candidates with scores below the threshold are discarded.
  • iou_threshold (float): The Intersection Over Union (IOU) threshold for boxes overlap.
  • max_detections (int): The number of detections to return.

'NMSWithIndicesResults' named tuple:

  • boxes: The selected boxes with shape [batch, max_detections, 4].
  • scores: The corresponding scores in descending order with shape [batch, max_detections].
  • labels: The labels for each box with shape [batch, max_detections].
  • indices: Indices of the input boxes that have been selected.
  • n_valid: The number of valid detections out of 'max_detections' with shape [batch, 1]
  • ValueError: If provided with invalid arguments or input tensors with unexpected or non-matching shapes.
from sony_custom_layers.pytorch import multiclass_nms_with_indices

# batch size=1, 1000 boxes, 50 classes
boxes = torch.rand(1, 1000, 4)
scores = torch.rand(1, 1000, 50)
res = multiclass_nms_with_indices(boxes,
# res.boxes, res.scores, res.labels, res.indices, res.n_valid
class NMSWithIndicesResults(typing.NamedTuple):
30class NMSWithIndicesResults(NamedTuple):
31    """ Container for non-maximum suppression with indices results """
32    boxes: Tensor
33    scores: Tensor
34    labels: Tensor
35    indices: Tensor
36    n_valid: Tensor
38    # Note: convenience methods below are replicated in each Results container, since NamedTuple supports neither adding
39    # new fields in derived classes nor multiple inheritance, and we want it to behave like a tuple, so no dataclasses.
40    def detach(self) -> 'NMSWithIndicesResults':
41        """ Detach all tensors and return a new object """
42        return self.apply(lambda t: t.detach())
44    def cpu(self) -> 'NMSWithIndicesResults':
45        """ Move all tensors to cpu and return a new object """
46        return self.apply(lambda t: t.cpu())
48    def apply(self, f: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]) -> 'NMSWithIndicesResults':
49        """ Apply any function to all tensors and return a new object """
50        return self.__class__(*[f(t) for t in self])

Container for non-maximum suppression with indices results

NMSWithIndicesResults( boxes: torch.Tensor, scores: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor, indices: torch.Tensor, n_valid: torch.Tensor)

Create new instance of NMSWithIndicesResults(boxes, scores, labels, indices, n_valid)

boxes: torch.Tensor

Alias for field number 0

scores: torch.Tensor

Alias for field number 1

labels: torch.Tensor

Alias for field number 2

indices: torch.Tensor

Alias for field number 3

n_valid: torch.Tensor

Alias for field number 4

def detach( self) -> NMSWithIndicesResults:
40    def detach(self) -> 'NMSWithIndicesResults':
41        """ Detach all tensors and return a new object """
42        return self.apply(lambda t: t.detach())

Detach all tensors and return a new object

def cpu( self) -> NMSWithIndicesResults:
44    def cpu(self) -> 'NMSWithIndicesResults':
45        """ Move all tensors to cpu and return a new object """
46        return self.apply(lambda t: t.cpu())

Move all tensors to cpu and return a new object

def apply( self, f: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]) -> NMSWithIndicesResults:
48    def apply(self, f: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]) -> 'NMSWithIndicesResults':
49        """ Apply any function to all tensors and return a new object """
50        return self.__class__(*[f(t) for t in self])

Apply any function to all tensors and return a new object

class FasterRCNNBoxDecode(torch.nn.modules.module.Module):
30class FasterRCNNBoxDecode(nn.Module):
31    """
32    Box decoding as per Faster R-CNN <>.
34    Args:
35        anchors: Anchors with a shape of (n_boxes, 4) in corner coordinates (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max).
36        scale_factors: Scaling factors in the format (y, x, height, width).
37        clip_window: Clipping window in the format (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max).
39    Inputs:
40        **rel_codes** (Tensor): Relative codes (encoded offsets) with a shape of (batch, n_boxes, 4) in centroid
41                                coordinates (y_center, x_center, h, w).
43    Returns:
44        Decoded boxes with a shape of (batch, n_boxes, 4) in corner coordinates (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max).
46    Raises:
47        ValueError: If provided with invalid arguments or an input tensor with unexpected shape
49    Example:
50        ```
51        from sony_custom_layers.pytorch import FasterRCNNBoxDecode
53        box_decode = FasterRCNNBoxDecode(anchors,
54                                         scale_factors=(10, 10, 5, 5),
55                                         clip_window=(0, 0, 1, 1))
56        decoded_boxes = box_decode(rel_codes)
57        ```
58    """
60    def __init__(self, anchors: torch.Tensor, scale_factors: Sequence[Union[float, int]],
61                 clip_window: Sequence[Union[float, int]]):
62        super().__init__()
63        if not (len(anchors.shape) == 2 and anchors.shape[-1] == 4):
64            raise ValueError(f'Invalid anchors shape {anchors.shape}. Expected shape (n_boxes, 4).')
65        self.register_buffer('anchors', anchors)
67        if len(scale_factors) != 4:
68            raise ValueError(f'Invalid scale factors {scale_factors}. Expected 4 values for (y, x, height, width).')
69        self.register_buffer('scale_factors', torch.tensor(scale_factors, dtype=torch.float32, device=anchors.device))
71        if len(clip_window) != 4:
72            raise ValueError(f'Invalid clip window {clip_window}. Expected 4 values for (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max).')
73        self.register_buffer('clip_window', torch.tensor(clip_window, dtype=torch.float32, device=anchors.device))
75    def forward(self, rel_codes: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
76        return, self.anchors, self.scale_factors, self.clip_window)

Box decoding as per Faster R-CNN

  • anchors: Anchors with a shape of (n_boxes, 4) in corner coordinates (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max).
  • scale_factors: Scaling factors in the format (y, x, height, width).
  • clip_window: Clipping window in the format (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max).

rel_codes (Tensor): Relative codes (encoded offsets) with a shape of (batch, n_boxes, 4) in centroid coordinates (y_center, x_center, h, w).


Decoded boxes with a shape of (batch, n_boxes, 4) in corner coordinates (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max).

  • ValueError: If provided with invalid arguments or an input tensor with unexpected shape
from sony_custom_layers.pytorch import FasterRCNNBoxDecode

box_decode = FasterRCNNBoxDecode(anchors,
                                 scale_factors=(10, 10, 5, 5),
                                 clip_window=(0, 0, 1, 1))
decoded_boxes = box_decode(rel_codes)
FasterRCNNBoxDecode( anchors: torch.Tensor, scale_factors: Sequence[Union[float, int]], clip_window: Sequence[Union[float, int]])
60    def __init__(self, anchors: torch.Tensor, scale_factors: Sequence[Union[float, int]],
61                 clip_window: Sequence[Union[float, int]]):
62        super().__init__()
63        if not (len(anchors.shape) == 2 and anchors.shape[-1] == 4):
64            raise ValueError(f'Invalid anchors shape {anchors.shape}. Expected shape (n_boxes, 4).')
65        self.register_buffer('anchors', anchors)
67        if len(scale_factors) != 4:
68            raise ValueError(f'Invalid scale factors {scale_factors}. Expected 4 values for (y, x, height, width).')
69        self.register_buffer('scale_factors', torch.tensor(scale_factors, dtype=torch.float32, device=anchors.device))
71        if len(clip_window) != 4:
72            raise ValueError(f'Invalid clip window {clip_window}. Expected 4 values for (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max).')
73        self.register_buffer('clip_window', torch.tensor(clip_window, dtype=torch.float32, device=anchors.device))

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

def forward(self, rel_codes: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
75    def forward(self, rel_codes: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
76        return, self.anchors, self.scale_factors, self.clip_window)

Define the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.

Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

def load_custom_ops( ort_session_ops: Optional[onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.SessionOptions] = None) -> onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.SessionOptions:
36def load_custom_ops(ort_session_ops: Optional['ort.SessionOptions'] = None) -> 'ort.SessionOptions':
37    """
38    Registers the custom ops implementation for onnxruntime, and sets up the SessionOptions object for onnxruntime
39    session.
41    Args:
42        ort_session_ops: SessionOptions object to register the custom ops library on. If None, creates a new object.
44    Returns:
45        SessionOptions object with registered custom ops.
47    Example:
48        ```
49        import onnxruntime as ort
50        from sony_custom_layers.pytorch import load_custom_ops
52        so = load_custom_ops()
53        session = ort.InferenceSession(model_path, sess_options=so)
55        ```
56        You can also pass your own SessionOptions object upon which to register the custom ops
57        ```
58        load_custom_ops(ort_session_options=so)
59        ```
60    """
61    validate_installed_libraries(required_libraries['torch_ort'])
63    # trigger onnxruntime op registration
64    from .nms import nms_ort
65    from .box_decode import box_decode_ort
67    from onnxruntime_extensions import get_library_path
68    from onnxruntime import SessionOptions
69    ort_session_ops = ort_session_ops or SessionOptions()
70    ort_session_ops.register_custom_ops_library(get_library_path())
71    return ort_session_ops

Registers the custom ops implementation for onnxruntime, and sets up the SessionOptions object for onnxruntime session.

  • ort_session_ops: SessionOptions object to register the custom ops library on. If None, creates a new object.

SessionOptions object with registered custom ops.

import onnxruntime as ort
from sony_custom_layers.pytorch import load_custom_ops

so = load_custom_ops()
session = ort.InferenceSession(model_path, sess_options=so)

You can also pass your own SessionOptions object upon which to register the custom ops
